Moving along

Last week, we continued our experiment, histology, and my paper.  The paper or working introduction is posted on under my page titled ‘developing research’.  This week, I will continue to work on the paper, make a presentation of my research thus far for the U.Discover program, and we will continue the experiment.  We are hoping to see correct cannula placement from last week, to increase our data set.  I hope to have more results to present next Tuesday to the group.  I hope everybody had a good holiday.

~ by usdneuro on July 6, 2009.

2 Responses to “Moving along”

  1. It sounds like you’ve been really productive in the last week! Your paper looks interesting thus far. I saw you had a long list of sources. Are you planning on using background information from most of those in your paper? Will your experiment be “done” enough in time for the U.Discover paper deadline? Do you have any conferences picked out to speak at yet?

    Good luck with the rest of your experiment and paper. I’m looking forward to hearing your presentation.

    • Thanks for the comment and encouragement. For the paper, I will be discussing the background information needed for my project. I should have early results, but I cannot put any results or specific methods online until they are formally published. I will, however, discuss what results I have next week in my presentation. In regards to conferences, depending on my results, I am planning on presenting at the Neuroscience conference in Chicago in October. Thanks.

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